PRAY PROPHESY COOK Blog : Starting your day with prayer and healthy food

PRAY PROPHESY COOK Blog : Starting your day with prayer and healthy food

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31.

What a winning combination! Daily prayer and healthy eating. As a believer, prayer is foundational for a strong and healthy Christian life. Scriptures teach (Romans 12:1-2) that our bodies are the temple of God and that we should represent ourselves back to God. For many of us, being consistent in prayer and eating healthy can be challenging. While we don’t want to become legalistic and repetitive, we do want a healthy spiritual and physical life. Disciplined and healthy habits that we can represent to God bring glory to him. Remember, we have the Holy Spirit (God) living on the inside of us. He is our helper. If you’re like me, it can be a challenge. What I have found in my journey is that consistency in planning is key to developing the spiritual disciplines that keep us close to God without becoming religious or ritual. God wants relationship, freshness, and a yearning to be in his presence daily. We are changed in His presence.I have found that a part of developing consistency includes setting a schedule. A specific place and time to meet with GodIt can still be spontaneous, but it must be planned or scheduled out to build that consistency and habit. The same goes for eating healthier. If it doesn’t come easy, we have to plan our meals and have things ready that are healthier choices so that it will make it easier not to fall into bad habits. Most importantly, we must not forget that we have the Holy Spirit, the comforter, the teacher that comes alongside us to help us in every detail if we will allow Him.


 Holy Spirit, help me, teach me to be more disciplined

in prayer and eating healthy.

I can’t do it in my own strength. I need your strength, power, and guidance. Please show me how to do my part. In Jesus name, Amen!


All things are working together for my good. I hear God's word and obey quickly. I am sensitive to the unction of the Holy Spirit. I am changed from the inside out, spirit, soul, and body. In Jesus name, I declare it is so.


Avocado toast with a perfectly cooked egg is a simple and satisfying breakfast option. This versatile recipe allows you to customize the egg to your liking while enjoying the creamy goodness of avocado. Let's explore the steps to create this delightful dish and discover some beverage pairings to complete your morning meal.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1 large egg
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional toppings: red pepper flakes, microgreens, feta cheese, sliced cherry tomatoes


  1. Mash a ripe avocado and season it with salt and pepper.
  2. Toast the bread until golden brown.
  3. Cook the egg according to your preference (sunny-side-up, scrambled, or poached).
  4. Spread the avocado mixture on the toasted bread slices.
  5. Place the perfectly cooked egg on one slice of avocado-covered bread.
  6. Add optional toppings if desired.
  7. Top with the second slice of avocado-covered bread.

Beverage Pairing:

  • Coffee: Enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee.
  • Tea: Opt for green tea, herbal infusion, or classic English breakfast tea.
  • Juice: Sip on freshly squeezed orange juice or a fruit smoothie.


 Start your day with this delicious and nutritious meal!

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